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We energize people

We energize people

Committed to a successful energy transition

Chint Solar is a leading player active in project development, financing, realization and operation of solar parks. We are fully committed to a achieving a successful energy transition in the United Kingdom, away from fossil fuels to a sustainable future with clean energy.

Our mission is to energize people. We want investors, landowners and local communities to become part of a future in which green energy is available to everyone. To make that happen, we act now.

Project development with an innovative mindset

We cover all aspects of project development from start to finish: from site identification, design and technical planning to financing, construction and operation.

In terms of development, landscaping and grid connection, we approach our projects with an innovative mindset as we believe that is the only way to create a green and sustainable future.

completed solar parks in Europe
milion modules installed
households provided with green energy

Driven team, local knowledge

Our people know the renewable energy industry and their local playing fields inside and out. Drawing on their vast experience in the sector, they carefully weigh the interests of the various stakeholders, think in terms of practical solutions and are driven to successfully contribute to the green energy transition. This makes Chint Solar your trusted partner for developing solar parks in the United Kingdom.

Experienced partner in project development

Chint Solar has a significant track record of 10.5 GWp of completed projects in different countries around the world. Around 20 GWp solar projects are owned by Chint Solar, which makes us one of the largest renewable energy independent power producers. In Europe, we have already completed over 900 MWp of solar parks, with more than 10 GW of projects under development.

A solar park on your land?

As a landowner, you might have considered to have a solar park on your land. For example, if you want an extra source of income besides farming, if you want to diversify your activities, if you want to make your business more sustainable or if you simply want to contribute to a future with clean energy. Chint Solar is happy to think along with you.

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Mark van Rij

Get in touch

Mark van Rij
Country Manager United Kingdom